In this article you will find examples of various documents that our users, active in the sanitary sector, have created with Catbuilder.
The most used documents in the sanitary sector are: the main catalog, the product sheet, the technical sheet and the tariff. We will analyze them one by one in detail.
The main catalog, as described in a previous post, is the most common document, the most familiar, as used by the representative than by the purchaser. It presents and lists all the company's products. The products are illustrated with beautiful pictures. There we find descriptive characteristics.
The main catalog is the aesthetic advantage of the communication.
The product sheet reunites in one page the description and characteristics of a product. It highlights the qualities and specificities of the product. It allows the customer to have all the necessary information to spend to purchase. This document often contains several product images. The product sheet must gather as much information as possible, written in a simple and airy way. If used on a website, it should contain, correctly positioned, keywords to improve SEO.
The technical sheet has to summarize the technical properties of a product and its manual. It describes the expected behavior of a product. This is a very common and necessary document in this business area, especially for installers who will find the dimensions required for assembly.
The tariff is a document that lists the prices charged by the company, for each product of the catalog. It is often attached to the catalog. Therefore, it may be printed regularly, every time prices vary. There may also be several versions of this document, depending on the characteristics of the order or the type of buyer.
Don't hesitate to contact us to understand how to create all these documents, easily and effectively, with Catbuilder.
See you soon !